Priced Publications
CONTENTS Price (in Rs.)
CASUARINAS: Tree of Multiple Utility 160/-
Clonal Multiplication of Eucalypts 200/-
CASUARINA - Improvement and Utilization 400/-
Recent Eucalypt Research in India 180/-
Industrial – cum – Demonstration Workshop on Clonal Forestry 100/-
Genetic Improvement and Propagation of Forest Trees 225/-
Genetic Improvement and Propagation of Forest Trees (Hard Bound) 300/-
Seedling Seed Orchards for Breeding Tropical Trees 320/-
Foresters’ manual on Nursery Pests and Tteir Management 127/-
Mass Propagation Protocol for Bamboos 25/-
Hedge Orchards for Clonal Forestry 25/-
Casuarina in Agroforestry 25/-
Tree Improvement and Productivity Enhancement 80/-
Breeding Systems and Hybridization Techniques in Tamarind 80/-
A pencil and a simplified & economical method of processing 10/-
pencil slats
Casuarina equisetifolia 20/-
Pongamia pinnata 20/-
Sandal 20/-
Tamarind 20/-
Moongil (Bamboos)

K.N.Subramanian, P.E.Bedell, K.Gurumurthi, M.George, A.K.Mandal, S.R.MadhavanPillai, B.GurudevSingh
A comprehensive compilation of taxonomy, genetic resources, seed biology, silviculture, agroforestry, pest and diseases, utilization, marketing and economics of casuarinas including biotechnological approaches.
Book, Soft Bound 18x24 cm, 115 pages

Edited by
K.Subramanian, K.Gurumurthi, R.S.C.Jayaraj and K.C.S.Warrier
The proceedings of the workshop provides information on tested technologies that can be transferred to State Forest Departments and industries.Technologies that are jointly developed/implemented through Joint forest technology development approach and technologies with future implications that need to be sponsored by the SFDs and industries.It also focuses on specific recommendations for joint forest technology development and fund support to frontier areas.
Book, Soft Bound 18x24 cm, 91 pages

This manual highlights the clonal strategy, various types of hardware required for clonal propagation and their assemblage, pest and disease problems in green house, nursery and field, comprehensive selection of candidate plus trees, methods used for clonal trials and planning for genetic improvement of species which can continuously provide newer clones for propagation programm.The manual is useful for forest departments, forest corporations and private industries.
Book, Soft Bound 21x28 cm, 65 Pages
IFGTB /97/ 001 Field Document No.1

Edited by
S.S.R.Bennet, K.Subramaninan, A.James Kurian
A compilation of course materials prepared by the scientists and forest officers of IFGTB for Indian Forest Service compulsory training Course. The book deals with the various aspects of improvement of forest tree species, highlighting the emerging trends in forest genetics; including genetic engineering, tissue culture, application of molecular markers and hybridization techniques for breeding and conservation programmes. Identification of various disease / pest problems and their management; production, management and processing techniques for the procurement of quality seeds, are the salient features outlined.
Book, Soft bound 18x24 cm,167 pages

K.Gurumurthi, A.Nicodemus, Siddappa
A compilation of results from the recent improvement and utilization research on casuarinas in India. The book covers area like tree improvement, physiology, biotechnology, silviculture, management, performance and utilization of casuarinas. A useful book for all working with casuarinas.
Book, Soft Bound 18x24 cm, 218 Pages

Rs. 180 /-
Edited by
S.K. Bagchi, MohanVarghese, Siddappa
The book is compilation of research and development work in various research organizations. Intended to make available packages and expertise in research institutes, forest based industries and state forest departments for the benefit of the scientific and farming community. Major areas covered are breeding and tree improvement, physiology, tissue culture wood utilization and management of eucalypts.
Book, Hard bound 18x25 cm 211 pages

Rs. 320 /-
Mohan Varghese, A.Nicodemus, B.Nagarajan, K.R.Sasidharan, Siddappa, S.S.R. Bennet and K.Subramanian
A compilation of the theoretical and practical aspects of Seedling Seed Orchards (SSOs) with emphasis on the tropical tree species.Tree breeders, practicing foresters and students of forestry will find this book useful for planning establishing and managing SSOs for enhancing productivity.
Book, Soft Bound 18x24 cm, 126 pages

Rs. 25 /-
The bulletin provides successfully tested protocols for mass multiplication of different Bamboos using combination of tissue culture and vegetative multiplication techniques.
Soft Bound 14x22 cm,12 Pages
ICFRE Technical Bulletin

Rs. 80 /-
B.Nagarajan, A.Nicodemus, Mohan Varghese, K.R. Sasidharan, N.P. Achaean and S.S.R.Bonnet
Description of reproductive biological aspects such as phenology, pollen biology, pollen pistil interaction and hybridization techniques for tamarind.
Soft Bound 18x24 cm, 9 pages ICFRE Technical bulletin,

Rs. 25 /-
Details the achievements made in the field of clonal forestry on yield improvement of Casuarina and Eucalyptus with emphasis on hedge orchard technolgies for mass multiplication. The information presented is useful for farmer sand foresters.
Soft Bound 18x24 cm, 17pages
ICFRE Technical Bulletin

Rs. 25 /-
Detailed description of various agro forestry models developed by IFGTB for different sites employing suitable multipurpose trees. It outlines the economic returns from a models where the major components are Casuarina and Moringa. The information is of great use for farmers.
Soft bound 18x24 cm,9 Pages
ICFRE Technical Bulletin 1996

Rs. 10 /-
P. V. Krishna Rao
The booklet brings forth a new method of pencil making and processing of pencil slats
Soft Bound 13x20 cm, 8 Pages
ICFRE Technical Bulletin

Rs. 20 /-
Provides information on available bamboos in India, their cultivation, disease and pest management, and uses. The purpose of this Tamil bulletin is to popularize bamboo cultivation among farmers and tree growing agencies.
Soft bound 18x24,12 pages
Tamil bulletin

Rs. 80 /-
Edited by
K.Subramanian, Siddappa, K.Gurumurthi, B.GurudevSingh
The bulletin is compilation of technology packages like clonal technology, seed technology, breeding systems and hybridization techniques, techniques for reclamation of mine dumps, biofertilizer application for growth enhancement in nurseries, agro forestry systems, integrated pest and disease management. It is useful forstatedepartments, forest development corporations, NGOs, farmers and other stake holders.
Soft bound 18x24 cm,17 pages
Technical Bulletin 1999

Rs. 20 /-
Abrief description of Casuarina equisetifolia covering important aspects such as habit and habitat, distribution, silvicultural practices, methods of regeneration, nursery and plantation practices, cultural operations, disease, insect pest and control, growth statistics, economics of planting and utilization.
Brochure, Soft bound 18x24 cm,18 pages
Available in English,Tamil and Malayalam

Rs. 20 /-
Usefu linformation on morphology, seed characteristics, nursery techniques, propagation, cultural practices, pest and diseases of Pongamia pinnata, a must for farmers and home steads.
Brochure, Soft bound 18x24 cm, 20 pages
Available in English,Tamil and Malayalam

Rs. 20 /-
Information on morphology ,seedcharacteristics, nursery techniques, propagation, cultural practices, pest and diseases pertaining to Tamarind, in popular language.
Available in Tamil and Malayalam

Rs. 20 /-
The brochure provides useful information intended to promote sandal cultivation
Brochure, Soft bound 18x24 cm,20 pages
Available in English,Tamil and Malayalam

Rs. 127 /-
Edited by
John Prasanth Jacob
This Hand Book is primarily intended to provide information on some of the pets occurring in forest nursery and the type of damage they cause, so that it becomes easy to identify the pest and the damage and adopt necessary measures of control. State Forest Departments, Corporations, NGOs and Farmers raising nurseries for plantation purpose will be benefited by the package of practices to manage pest problems in nurseries.
Book Soft Bound 18 cm X23 cm 60 pages
ICFRE PubNo 126 ICFRE-Bk73 / IFGTB Bk-12008
The Extension Officer
ICFRE-Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding,
(Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education)
P.B. No. 1061, R.S. PuramP.O., Coimbatore-641002,
Phone: 91-0422-2484100, 2484139 .
Fax: 91-0422-2430549
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