भावाअशिप - वन आनुवंशिकी एवं वृक्ष प्रजनन संस्थान, कोयम्बटूर
ICFRE - Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore

Forest Ecology and Climate Change / Major Areas

The division of Forest Ecology and Climate came into existence during May 2018 after restructuring of divisions in ICFRE was initiated.
Major areas of the Division
Biodiversity assessment and conservation
Resource assessment and sustainable management of important plant species
Management and control of invasive alien plant species
Assessment of visitor carrying capacity of ecotourism sites
Climate change mitigation and adaptation aspects with particular reference to the forest ecosystems
Establishment / revival of preservation and sample plots for long term observational studies on growth and impact of climate change
Eco-restoration and rehabilitation of mined out areas and other stress /degraded/ difficult sites
Criteria and indicators for sustainable management of lands for higher productivity
Environment impact assessment
Soil vegetation inter relationships for health improvement of stability and productivity of ecosystem
Botanical garden
The Division is maintaining a botanical garden established in 1973 with an area of 3.7 ha which supports all ex-situ conservation activities.
The Division is maintaining the Fischer herbarium (FRC) in the institute, which isnamed after Cecil Ernest Claude Fischer. The Herbarium houses collection of 25815 specimens belonging to 3894 species.
Plant identification for South Indian species (Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats and Mangroves)
The officers and scientists of the Division were also involved in consultancies rendered collectively by the Institute, namely,
CAMPA – Monitoring and evaluation – Kerala