Ordinance of FRI
Selection of Supervisor
Guidelines forsynopsis
Application form
Subject of study and qualification
Fee Structure
Course works
Thesis Format
Ph.D Awarded
Ph.D Pursuing
The person working in
F.R.I (University) or its Research Center at IFGTB, Coimbatore
recommended for appointment as Supervisor or Co-supervisor to guide
research must be:
  1. A forester/scientist/teacher who possesses a degree of the Doctorate and published work of high standard of Research. (Or)
  2. Director, Professor, Reader/Scientist-E of the Institute or its Research Centers who possesses experience of conducting and/or guiding research for at least 5 years and has outstanding research work to his/her credit.

(Provided that an eminent Scientist not below the rank of Reader or retired as Reader/Scientist-D other than F.R.I. or its research centers may be appointed as Co-supervisor of a Research Scholar subject to the condition that in such case the research scholar concerned is required to pursue his/her research work mainly in F.R.I. (Deemed University) or its research centers.

That no research scholar hereinafter should be registered under a Scientist/forester who is going to retire or whose tenure of deputation is going to expire within 2 years from the date of registration.

  1. Ordinarily there shall not be more than six Research Scholars at a time under a Supervisor/Co-Supervisor. Provided that the Director may permit not more than two Research Scholars working under a scheme/fellowship awarded by an agency such as UGC, ICAR, CSIR, ICFRE or FRI (Deemed University), to be registered under a Supervisor or a Co-supervisor who has already got six Research Scholars working under him/her.

  2. That the name of research scholars who have already completed 3 years of their term of registration should not be counted for the purpose of fixing the quota of research scholars under a Supervisor.

  3. Persons who have registered themselves, as Ph.D. Scholars shall not act as Supervisor or Co-supervisor of any Ph.D. Scholar.

  4. The change of Supervisor should be discouraged. However, in exceptional circumstances, the Director, may change the Supervisor on the recommendation of the R.D.C. No change of Supervisor shall, however, be necessary in case of absence of the Supervisor for less than a year provided the candidate has worked under him/her for a year or more. In such cases the R.D.C. shall only assign an acting Supervisor during the Supervisor’s absence.

  5. Whenever, changes in the Supervisor become necessary the period of research to be subsequently put in by the Ph.D. Scholar may be extended by such duration as may be decided by the RDC in each individual case.

 S.No. Name of the Official Designation Subject Expertise
1 Dr. B. Nagarajan Scientist-G Reproductive Biology
2 Dr. R. Yasodha Scientist-G Plant Biotechnology
3 Dr. N.V. Mathish Scientist-G Plant Biotechnology
4 Dr. Modhumita Das Gupta Scientist-G Plant Biotechnology
5 Dr. A. Nicodemus Scientist-G Cytogenetics & Plant Breeding
6 Dr. V. Sivakumar Scientist-G Forestry
7 Dr. J.P. Jacob Scientist-G Entomology
8 Dr. C. Kunhikannan Scientist-G Plant Taxonomy
9 Dr. C. Buvaneswaran Scientist-G Forestry
10 Dr. Rekha R. Warrier Scientist-F Plant Biochemistry
11 Dr. A. Karthikeyan Scientist-F Forest Pathology
12 Dr. A. Rajasekaran Scientist-F Forest Ecology & Environment